Power transformers are the heart and soul of electrical transmission and distribution systems, and as competition within the energy sector increases , the pressure on electric furnace transformer manufacturing industry is escalating too, to better reliability and reduce costs of transformers.
Rajasthan Powergen is providing the details of Modern transformer design

Why Modern Transformer Design
Modern day technology in designing along with extensive R&D efforts, has led to modern transformers becoming smaller in size, lower in cost, with enhanced efficiency and reduce lost energy.
Modern transformer design can play a significant role in reduction of energy loss especially in CPU tries like USA . The U.S. has 4% of the world’s population but produces 25% of its greenhouse gases with 9,200 electricity generating units most of them needing replacement and thus inefficient.
Using superior grade electrical steel and better designing can drastically reduce no-load loss, the prime components of loss in an energy transformer.
Types of Transformer Designs
The life expectancy of transformer is based- the quality of its insulation system. Moisture and excessive heat can damage the transformer insulation . Taking care of these two factors, modern transformer designs are designed to preserve overall insulation quality of the transformer. Some of these designs include open style, sealed tank, conservator style, and automatic gas pressure.

Electric Furnace Transformer Manufacturer in India

Trends in Modern Transformer Design
Emphasis is now on ways to reduce energy losses in transformer and incorporating the same in the transformer design. Most transformer are efficiently functioning at 100% load but this 100% load is an ideal situation, and most transformers need to function at lower loading. Low loss transformers with modern designs are said to be 30-50% more energy efficient and their losses are designed to be 30% less at 35% loading.
MTD is dictated by industry trends that make these transformers stand out for their various energy and cost saving advantages.
Incorporating air bag in expansion tank
Latest transformer designs with conservator tanks incorporate an air bag in the expansion tank, which does away with moisture egress from oil contact with the outside atmosphere.

Artificial Intelligence techniques in transformer design
Several transformer design tools have been developed with artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in combination with finite element method (FEM). AI is widely used for modelling nonlinear and large-scale systems. AI is computationally efficient in solving hard optimization problems. FEM is capable of dealing with complex geometries, and also gives stable and accurate solutions.
Innovative insulation material
Thermal deterioration of transformer insulation material reduces dielectric strength and reduces its ability to withstand short-circuit events. These days Innovative hybrid high-temperature insulation are used which increase insulation temperature tolerance and winding mechanical strength, thereby leading to reduce costs of maintaining and replacing transformers. Hybrid insulation consists of layers of aramid papers and cellulose papers. hybrid-insulation manufactured transformers have increased reliability and longer shelf life leading to results in cost savings to the utility.

Benefits of Modern Transformer Design
Electric furnace transformer manufacturers in India, Rajasthan Powergen have preference for modern transformer design as have a higher energy efficiency and not just because of legal requirements. Benefits of modern transformer design include:
• Longer transformer shelf life
• Reduced wastage leading to reduced cost
•Reduced carbon footprint
• More efficient use of energy; higher production with lower energy use